Saturday 31 August 2019

Girls of Delaunays Road

By Loretta

When I was living in England several decades ago (1972-73), I lived in a big old house on Delaunays Road (no apostrophe) with five other young women. One was my cousin and four were her college friends. These young women were nothing less than fabulous - good hearts, hilarious sense of humour, high-spirited, and totally glamorous.

This summer, Darrel and I digitized all our old photos, and I just had to share these. The quality of the photos is quite poor, but they capture the wonderful personalities of five women who have a huge place in my heart.

From the front of our place on Delaunays Road:

From the back yard:

Inside the house:

On an outing with two of the five:

On an outing to a nearby park:

Feed the birds, tuppence a bag.

I see a Mona Lisa in this photo.

On a trip to Edinburgh:

On a trip to the Lake District:

The Mona Lisa of Delaunays Road: 

~~~~ Cheers to my beautiful friends. Bye for now, Loretta. ~~~~


  1. It looks like so much fun. Thanks for sharing the series.

  2. Wow that took me back, Piccadilly gardens are no longer beautiful though xxxx
